COVID Connection Spotlight: Pre-K with Mrs. Rittenhouse

If we haven't said it yet, let us say it again - the last half of the 2020 spring semester was strange and unprecedented!  Moving our students and staff to remote distance learning was interesting but doing so created some incredibly unique opportunities for students.  Some of those students include Mrs. Lori Rittenhouse's Pre-Kindergarten classroom from Silver Stage Elementary School. 

Mrs. Rittenhouse held Circle Time via Zoom every day because she wanted to try to keep a little stability in the students' lives by having that interaction with each other and with staff.  Plus, she just really wanted to "see" her littles every day because she missed them.

Throughout the distance learning time at home, Mrs. Rittenhouse invited many different "guest readers" to read to the students every day.  The guest readers were all ages and included some of Mrs. Rittenhouse's family from all over the United States; family members of her students; different school and district staff members; members from the Nevada Department of Education.  She says, "It was so awesome how everyone was so eager to participate and read to my kids!  I'm so grateful for that!"

Additionally, Mrs. Rittenhouse would invite people to join her class and teach them about different things or take them on virtual field trips of where they work.  The class was visited by Dr. Behrens from Advanced Pet Care where they learned all about pets and saw how the doctor does an exam to check their health.  Mrs. Sittler, a dental hygienist, taught the class about taking care of their beautiful teeth.  Mrs. Rittenhouse's soon took them on a tour of the bank where he works.  They also went on field trips to Mrs. McFadden's farm, the fire station in Stagecoach, the post office in Silver Springs, the Naval Air Station in Fallon and one of the student's dad showed them the railroad yard where he works.  The kids (and parents) loved the virtual field trips!  Everyone did such a nice job and Mrs. Rittenhouse was so appreciative that they took the time out of their busy days to join and teach the class something new.

Mrs. Rittenhouse adds, "As hard as it was not being in school, I hope this helped add a little fun to their days.  I know it did mine."


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