COVID Connection Spotlight - LCSD High Schools Participate in Be the Light!

On Friday, April 17, 2020, high schools in Nevada and across the nation participated in the “Be the Light and Never Ever Give Up on Your Dreams” campaign.  The event called for high schools to turn on their football/sports field lights at 8:20PM (2020 military time) for 20 minutes in support of the graduating class of 2020, spring activities, sports athletes, coaches, staff, families, those fighting the invisible enemy, and in Dayton, the tribute was also in remembrance of Gabe Torres, former DHS Girls Basketball Coach.

During the event, cars were asked to drive by the field of lights and honk, and everyone was asked to stay in their car in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines.  There was an incredible outpouring of support for the event, and for many, provided that glimmer of hope that has been missing from the past few weeks.  As of April 1, 2020, Nevada Governor Sisolak ordered that schools remain closed until at least April 30, 2020 and on April 21, 2020 the directive was extended to keep schools closed for the remainder of the academic school year.  High school administrators are working with their staff and students in order to find the best alternative celebration for graduation in the current situation we are all living in.

The following are some comments from the communities on the Be the Light celebration:

It moved me to tears!  We had 500+ cars and the community came all out in support for our seniors and all of our students!  It made me so proud of Y-town!  

It was awesome for our kiddos and community. I feel we had a good turnout in support of our students.

We combined "Be the Light" with a tribute to beloved basketball coach Gabe Torres. It was wonderful to see the support of the community during such a trying time for all of our students and this family in particular. Lines of people, horns honking, smiles, and waves - the sense of community was amazing and my children (all of whom are athletes who had their seasons cut short and/or canceled) were warmed to see that people cared about their loss too. They were sad for the Torres family, contemplative about the potential loss of graduation and the impact on fall sports, and grateful to see at least some familiar faces as we drove the loop. Thank you for joining in this campaign LCSD, sometimes it is the little things that make such a difference during times like these for not only our families but your staff. I am honored to be a part of this community, I haven't always been a Dust Devil but I wear that label with a pride understood only by those who share it with me.

I attended Smith Valley’s celebration and the event brought tears to my eyes and gave me goose bumps. The support from the community and the enthusiasm from the kids was absolutely awesome. 

What a blessing this event was!

I really enjoyed the Be the Light night! I feel anything we can do to remind our students they are thought of and that we miss them is vital. It's the least we can do.

It was an awesome turnout! The community was super supportive and it is awesome to see the towns pull together and show their support!

It was an amazing event. The community support was awesome, the line just kept going and people came around twice. I really believe the seniors appreciated it and got a kick out of seeing the amount of support for them.

I thought the Fernley “Be the Light” was really fun.  It was great to have the North Lyon County Fire and local law enforcement involved.  I am an aunt to a senior  and it was fun to be able to celebrate him.

As a community member, it was amazing to see the support shown to this group of kids. As the parent of a Senior, it was the first time I "ugly cried". It was an emotional moment in time that really brought forth the understanding that my child  wouldn't get to participate in all of the "rights of passage" that Seniors get to experience. I'm very grateful for the organizers, and all of the members of our amazing community that came out to show their support. We really are all in this together. 

Our vision… Graduate all students to be successful in college and career.
Our Mission… Provide relevant learning opportunities that develop adaptable, persistent and self-directed learners capable of creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking necessary to overcome complex challenges.
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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Erika Cowger at


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