Lyon County School District - Grow Your Own Round 2!

For the second time this year, a handful of classified employees applied to and were chosen for the second cohort of a Grow Your Own (GYO) initiative that allows Lyon County School District (LCSD) to financially support classified employees who hope to become teachers. LCSD held a celebration for these teachers-to-be! 

Second cohort of LCSD Grow Your Own

Congratulations to the following LCSD classified employees who are on their path to becoming wonderful educators!

Darlene Albarran
Amanda Angeles
Daylene Foli
Katie Gillespie
Rebecca Gore
Melissa Johnson
Shannon Ludington
Pamela Martinez
Dowain Swain
Brhianna Wass

& from the first cohort:

Ana Espinosa
Carlie Fagundes
Ashley McGill
Ashley Duskin/Saunders
Amy Sharp
Mara Spencer
Diana Thompson
Michael Turner
Tammi Valentine

First cohort of LCSD Grow Your Own


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