LCSD Grad Gazette presents: Emmanuel Lopez, Future Large Animal Veterinarian

Emmanuel Lopez, Smith Valley High School Class of 2019 and future Chico State University student. Photo courtesy of Rockin' Bar C Photography. LCSD Grad Gazette presents: Emmanuel Lopez, Future Large Animal Veterinarian Smith, NV, May 30, 2019 – A local, home-grown Smith Valley student sits in Ms. Charmi Pommerening’s classroom with a Chico State University envelope, unsure of what his future holds. Ms. Pommerening walks over, the student hands her the envelope, “Will you help me, Ms. Pom?” She opens the envelope and reads “Congratulations, you have been accepted into Chico State University!” A week later, the same student receives another acceptance letter from California Polytechnic State University. “Emmanuel being accepted into Chico State and Cal Poly – both elite Ag colleges – is incredible, very rare and I am so proud of him,” states Smith Valley Future Farmers of America (FFA) Advisor and Agriculture Teacher, Charmi Pom...