A big round of applause for YHS's very own Tamra Herschbach!

Tamra Herschbach recently won the Nevada State Agriculture Teacher of the Year and is also a National Fellow for the Association for Career and Technical Education. She just recently returned from Washington, DC where she was lobbying for Career and Technical Education and speaking with Congress folks from our state.  She attended the National Policy Seminar and advocated for Career and Technical Education.  She was able to meet with all of Nevada's Senators and Representatives, among others.  She is a part of the National Fellowship of ACTE 2019 Cohort where she is 1 out of 16 individuals chosen for this leadership opportunity. It is a year long cohort, where she will be presenting at the National ACTE conference and be involved in year-long collaborations through conference calls, book studies and various written assignments.

Herschbach in Washington DC!

NV Agriculture Teacher of the Year!


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