7th Annual Dayton High School Economic Summit

Friday, May 25, 2018 - Social Studies Teacher, Stephanie Fitch and her students hosted the 7th annual Dayton High Economic Summit.  The primary goal of the day is that students have a chance to apply the concepts they have learned in their Economics class, such as supply and demand, global trade, opportunity costs and capitalism.  The secondary goal is that kids practice the “adult” skills of long term project and time management, thinking on their feet and learning from their mistakes.  The day long event is also made possible by alumni of the summit, students who participated in the experience in the previous year, to keep score, manage the bank and determine the winner of the summit.

This year's summit was a “showcase” summit for District staff and other Economics teachers throughout the District as they look to bring this educational and eventful tool to moe students in LCSD.  That being said, it took Mrs. Fitch and the students a little more time to prep - roughly 7 weeks as compared to the usual 4-5 weeks that the DHS Economics class usually spends preparing.

Mrs. Fitch believes that this project is great for teaching Economics, but also for teaching many soft skills the kids need to be successful adults.  She spends a lot of time framing what they do as “here’s the content” and “here’s the soft skill.”  Kids often express to her that Summit Day is “the most stressful fun I’ve ever had.”

This tradition began with former teacher, Damon Etter, who is now Assistant Principal at Dayton Intermediate during the 2011-2012 school year and Mrs. Fitch joined him during the 2012-2013 school year.  Mrs. Fitch says, "I have been very happy and honored to carry on his Econ Summit legacy for all these years.  Without him, this wouldn’t be a part of LCSD."

We all look forward to seeing what next year's Summit Day looks like at DHS and throughout LCSD!


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