Do One Thing

Do One Thing

If everyone picked up one piece of trash
just think of the impact we could make!

Hello Lyon County School District,

Dayton High School Environmental Science class utilized the free Litterati app on their phones 
to start a clean-up of our campus. Students picked up trash the Friday before spring break  around Dayton High School. They used the app to take a picture, tag(label) the type of trash. The information is geotagged on a world map so we can collect data. Along with the Environmental Science class, the Marine Science classes of DHS are promoting a cleanup and awareness in the waste that is caused by single use plastics. We will be reporting back to OPPS (Ocean Plastics Pollution Summit) at Monterey Bay at the end of the month.

On Valentine’s Day we tagged our first Piece of garbage that was picked up and put in the proper disposal. Today we have over 490 geotags. We noticed that there are only a few geotags for the rest of the county!We hope  you will join us to put Lyon County on the map! 
Our motto is DOT (Do One Thing).  

Our goal is to bypass 1000 pieces by Earth Day, this Sunday, April 22, 2018.

Below is the Litterati YouTube video that we have shared with our classes. 
The app is free and they use it with their phones.
You can also go to  to see the world map. 
(This works better on your home computer-some of the map does not come through at school.) 
Type in your town to see the results and watch it grow!
Thank you in advance for your help!!
Peggy Merrell 
Environmental Science/Biology Teacher
Dayton High School


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