Pre-K Enrollment for 2018-2019

Pre-K Enrollment for 2018-2019

LCSD Pre-K Development Grant (PDG) Classrooms
2018-2019 School Year

Application Begins April 16, 2018 and runs to May 30, 2018

For the 2018-19 School year only those students whose parents meet at least one of the following requirements will be selected for possible enrollment in the LCSD Pre-K program:
  • 200% Poverty level based on Federal Guidelines 
  • Has a student(s) with Special Needs and requires an IEP 
  • Has a student(s) that qualify as English Language Learners according to the home language survey 
  • Has a student(s) that meet eligibility requirements under the McKinney Vento Homeless act or, 
  • Has a student(s) that is in foster care

Students must be 4 years old by September, 30, 2018 
Notification to families of acceptance into the PDG classrooms will be the week of 
July 16, 2018.
School starts for the 2018-2019 school year on August 30, 2018.
Variances will not be considered until after September 15, 2018.

Please bring the following items with you when you register your child:
Proof of Income
Birth Certificate
IEP (if applicable)
Type of income documentation accepted:
Employer’s paystub
Welfare Support Documentation
Social Security, Retirement, VA Benefit Documentation
2017 W-2/Tax Return


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