Have you taken our Survey yet?

Parent Survey

Parents of current students are encouraged to take this statewide survey regarding Educational Technology in your child's school. 

Student Survey

Greetings LCSD Families! We will be administering the NV School Climate Survey for all 5th through 12th graders from March 19-April 20.  This is an invaluable tool to assess the school’s climate and safety from the students’ perspectives.  School leaders will use the results of this survey for future planning to improve the school climate and safety conditions of the school.  We would greatly appreciate all 5th through 12th grade students’ participation.  However, if a parent wishes to review the survey, and decides they do not wish for their child to participate in this survey, they may sign the parent letter indicating they DO NOT want their child to participate, return the form to the office, and the school will find an alternative opportunity for the student while their classmates are taking the survey.  A sample survey is provided as well as the parent letter.  Thank you for your consideration.

Click here for Sample Student Survey


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