DHS Art Teacher awarded 2018 Nevada Art Educator

Malaynia Wick

2018 Nevada Art Educator

Alexandria, VA—The National Art Education Association has named Malaynia Wick, of Carson City, NV, to receive the 2018 Nevada Art Educator. This award honors an outstanding member from each state or province association whose service and contribution to art education merits recognition and acclaim. The award will be presented at the NAEA National Convention in Seattle, WA, March 22-24, 2018.

NAEA President Kim Huyler Defibaugh states, "This award is being given to recognize excellence in professional accomplishment and service by a dedicated art educator. Malaynia Wick exemplifies the highly qualified art educators active in education today: leaders, teachers, students, scholars, and advocates who give their best to their students and the profession."
NAEA is the professional association for art educators. Members include elementary, secondary, middle level and high school art teachers; university and college professors; education directors who oversee education in our nation’s fine art museums, administrators and supervisors who oversee art education in school districts, state departments of education, arts councils; and teaching artists throughout the United States and many foreign countries.  
For more information about the association and its awards program visit the NAEA website at www.arteducators.org


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