Holiday Cheer!

Riverview staff voted to bring donations of Toys for Tots this year to staff holiday celebration rather than exchanging gifts. 

Riverview students sang holiday carols at the Dayton Senior Center.

FES winter celebration with EL students and families.  They had a potluck, a surprise visit from Santa, an art project and a game of unwrapping presents with oven mitts.  Each grade participated in their own unwrapping game and they did a round for the parents too!  Out of 42 total students, they had 37 in attendance and 12 families. Everyone had a great time getting together - some of them meeting each other for the first time!!  EL teacher, Kristen Anders-Garcia discussed the upcoming WIDA testing in January and how proud she is of the growth she has seen this year in listening, speaking, reading and writing! 

FES Holiday Concert!


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