
Showing posts from May, 2017

Dayton HS Class of 2017

Dayton High School Class of 2017 Malleah Albee Spenser Alexander Michael Andersen David Anderson Sydney Anderson Alexandra Anthis Jason Anthis Joseph Anthis Mariela Arauz Joseline Avila Bertha Avila Arellano Dylan Baker Cameron Banker Christopher Beaty Colt Bowers Kyle Boyack Nathaniel Braun Clayton Brown Oscar Bueno Rodriguez Connor Carmona Aztlan Carrillo Sydney Cates McKayla Celedon Courtney Chandler Tyler Chandler Carlos Chavez Rojas Kyle Clardy Dakota Clark Colton Cogar Marcus Collins Korey Combs Arielle Conley Robert Cornwell Jessica Corona Ayala Carson Crosby Jasmine Da Silva Abigail De Palma Jorddy Diaz Grace Dickenson Michala Dotson Johana Duenas Felicia Dukek Jason Duran Zachory Edmiston Alyssa Eisenbeiss Jack Estrada Katie Etchegoyhen Dallas Evans Blake Fletcher Kealohi Fuller Manlio Gamez Kailey Garcia Cameron George Daniel Gonzalez Jesse Gonzalez ...
Here you have the mural and the artists of this Octopus Mural at YHS: Hannah Riezenstein, Shania Frank, Ryan Barnes, Marvilyn Martin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The HATS ON for Juvenile Diabetes that DIS leadership ran this year raised $401 dollars, and there is a Dayton child who will receive the funds to help cover the cost of attending the Diabetes Camp. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DHS Marine Science students taught DES and DIS students for a project worth 60% of their final.  Students chose the Marine Science topic based on what they had learned throughout the year, and then created lessons for students at the different schools.  Some of the statements from students when returning to DHS: ยท           It was amazing! It was pretty fun when they connected with us when we were ma...

Silver Stage HS Class of 2017!!

Silver Stage High School Class of 2017 Cody Allen Lillia Bayne Wilhelm Bennert IV Summer Bouas Joseph Branson Taylor Bushek Jessica Castleman Hayley Chick Elizabeth Clark Gabe Corneilson Ramona Cornwell Skylar Cornwell Alanis Daly Joseph Diaz-Garcia Abby Dore Hailey Eggerling Destinee Espinoza Byron Farmer Jeffrey Fratto Wyatt Garcia Zachary Gault Giovanni Guzman Domainic Harris Krista Hartman Ivan Heredia Ashton Ingram-Fraser Cesar Jara Asiha Jensen-Craig Justin Keith Madison King Abigail Klingman Keren Klingman Alexis Kratzberg Shelby Lee Katie Mayfield RaeLynn McElhinney Valencia Morgan Emily Minton Vance Myler Christopher Nielsen Jennifer Norman Daniel Ornelas Kayla   Owen Kira Pad...