A Smith Valley Tradition

With so many uncertainties for the students living in a pandemic, it was reassuring to see an annual tradition continue. Smith Valley FFA holds a turkey processing event every year before the Thanksgiving holiday. The Turkey Business is just one of the many student-run businesses out of Smith Valley School's (SVS) FFA program. Audrina Banta, 7th grade student at Smith Valley Middle School, is the student in charge of the Turkey Business and the turkey processing event held on Friday, November 20th. This year, Banta sold 36 turkeys, one of which was pardoned by SVS Principal Duane Mattice. The largest turkey this year was a whopping 30lbs. Banta's business is standing tradition with many repeat customers who count on Smith Valley FFA to provide the turkey at their Thanksgiving feast. Banta and the FFA students handle every aspect of the processing from death to scalding, plucking, evisceration, cleaning and packaging. These stud...