
Showing posts from March, 2020

LCSD Perseverance and Meal Delivery Marvels

Every Student… Every Classroom… Every Day. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 19, 2020 LCSD Perseverance and Meal Delivery Marvels Lyon County, NV, March 19, 2020 – In what has been a fast-paced and ever-changing few months for the world since the outbreak of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China, the most commotion to the Lyon County School District (LCSD) has come in only the past few weeks.   On March 10, 2020, LCSD was the third county in the state to restrict district-sponsored out-of-state and international travel for staff and students, a difficult decision that was made out of an abundance of caution for the students, staff and communities in Lyon County.   A few days later on March 13, 2020, LCSD in collaboration with other counties in Nevada made another difficult decision to preserve the safety of its students, staff and communities and all school events were cancelled until further notice.   Not far behind, the Nev...

8th Grade Volleyball Champions

Yerington Intermediate School girls have swept away the first place title!

Making Connections as we Create Lasting Change - Yerington Rotary Competition

Yerington High School (YHS) Teachers Kayla Mueller and Amanda Aldridge would like to congratulate Ashlyn Orton, Whitney Hegstad, Mia Reviglio, Jordyn Stutts and  Maison Sanderson.  These five students demonstrated their public speaking skills at a local Rotary Speech Competition.  Maison Sanderson will be moving on to the Rotary Area speaking contest in Reno on April 4, 2020.  The theme was Making Connections as we Create Lasting Change.

DHS and FHS: Nevada State Thespians & Upcoming International Thespian Festival

From February 26 - 29, 2020, Dayton High School's and Fernley High School's theatre troupes attended the Nevada Thespians State Conference in Las Vegas, NV. Both schools had students participate in Opening Number, which is a state-wide musical that is put together in only 1.5 days and then performed. The show utilized a total of 110 student singers, dancers and actors from all over the state of Nevada and had two beautiful performances on February 28th. The rest of the weekend was filled with workshops, one acts and main stage performances from students all over Nevada and theatre educators from across the nation. Two FHS students, Juliana Hanski and Ayden Fulton,  auditioned for a part in a state-wide Disney show that will happen next year.  Hailee Carr and Naima Duarte from DHS won the honor of performing in the Closing Ceremony showcase with their duo scene. These two phenomenal young women, along with others from both high schools, will be traveling to the International...

March 2-6: Lyon County School District Celebrates Reading Week

Every year around Dr. Seuss's birthday on March 2nd, schools around the country celebrate Reading Week and LCSD is no exception.  Throughout the week students enjoy reading challenges, reading events and fun dress-up days.  Many of the dress-up days for the week are inspired by Dr. Seuss but can range in creativity.  We will add to this post as we receive more material from each school on their celebration of Reading Week. Dayton Intermediate School (DIS) read across America in a reading challenge where students were awarded miles for every 100 pages they read.  The challenge was orchestrated and managed librarian Renee Spencer. On Wednesday, March 4, Fernley Elementary School hosted a reading event where guest readers were invited to read to the students and given a schedule of teachers to visit.  

Feb. 24-28: Lyon County School District Celebrates Public Schools, FFA and Rare Diseases

February 24th to February 28th was National Public Schools Week.  The week coincided with National FFA week and Rare Disease week.  On Monday, February 24, most LCSD employees proudly wore a "Proud Product of Public Education" shirt and some schools held events to celebrate the week. Silver Stage Middle School (SSMS) in Silver Springs, NV hosted an assembly where they invited one counselor to speak about his experience in public schools and growing up in poverty, followed by his success in college and as an adult.  The school also invited parents to join students for lunch during the Family Style Dining - an incredible experience of true family style hosted every Wednesday - and shared many of the teachers' favorite memories from their time in public schools.  The week concluded for SSMS with a school pride day. At Smith Valley School in Smith, NV, the school celebrated the week FFA style.  FFA is agricultural education. The primary goal of the FF...

Dayton Area College and Career Fair

On Thursday, February 27, Dayton area 6th graders from Dayton, Sutro and Riverview Elementary Schools gathered for a joint career fair.  The fair is an annual tradition for the 6th graders with a rotating location.  Counselors Jeremy Batten, Marie Dufresne and Renae Oliver are responsible for orchestrating this great event year after year!

Yerington Schools Career Fair

On February 26, 2020, Yerington Elementary, Intermediate and High Schools collaborated in a College and Career Fair for all of their 1300 students!