Third Annual Dayton Area Elementary Career Fair

Dayton Area Third Annual Career Fair Dayton, NV, February 28, 2019 – For the third year in a row, the Dayton area elementary schools – Dayton, Sutro and Riverview – gathered for a morning of exposure to a variety of careers. Fourth, fifth and sixth graders were able to meet with presenters and discuss their careers. The presenters came from a variety of sectors, public and private, in the surrounding Northern Nevada area. In addition, the students were also able to talk with a few higher education institutions. Yuvixa Mejia, a student at Sutro Elementary School expressed, “I loved seeing Tesla here – they were my favorite. I think the car is neat but I also love that the work they are doing is very in the future. In order to work for Tesla, I need a high school diploma but with more school, I could also maybe become an engineer or some other position for them.” The Dayton Area Elementary career fair found its origin four years ago ...